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 KABUL (Pajhwok): The Mesharano Jirga or Senate on Sunday hailed possible use of the biometric system in the upcoming elections and urged the online use of the technology to thwart rigging.
Earlier, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) has said 70 percent work on the use of the biometric system in elections has been done and the result would be announced in a couple of days.
Lawmaker Mohammad Ajan Mangal from Paktia province said if the system worked online on the Election Day, it would help prevent rigging otherwise there would be massive fraud.
Abdul Rahim Hussainyar, a lawmaker from Ghazni province, termed the introduction of the biometric system in elections as a positive development and said the system would help restore people’s trust in the election process.
He said if the Commission deviated from implementing the biometric system, it should be a plan to rig polls.
Senate Chairman Fazal Hadi Muslimyar called the use of the biometric system in elections as vital and added the IEC should implement the demand of the masses.
He asked the IEC to ensure this facility was used on Election Day which would help prevent election crisis and ensure transparency.
Earlier, President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani had termed the use of the biometric system in elections as an important step for transparency and fairness.

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